“Good books don’t give up all their secrets at once.” ― Stephen King

Mindnight banner for blog

When I first started writing out the story for ‘Daylight’ which is the first book in the No Death for the Wicked series, it was for a Halloween anthology dedicated to a charity. It was meant to be a short story with a limited word count and a wonderful opportunity to write with so many talented writers. As most now know the story has evolved and I am currently writing book 2 Midnight. As soon as I am finished with Midnight I will announce the release date, which I’m hoping will be sometime next month.

It is the ultimate challenge, writing a book with balance. As an author, I want to write a book that is capturing, intriguing and brings you along as my characters live out their lives. But here’s the thing with my writing, I write what the characters show me, they are the ones that take me down the writing path. I follow their lead.  Do I want to be an author that is too easy? Predictable or boring? Well I certainly hope not, but do I want to give up everything to you in the first book? No, I don’t. I want you to desire for more, to have unanswered questions that stick with you and allow the secrets not yet whispered into your ear to bring you along as the full story unfolds, whether it’s one stand alone book or a series.

Daylight, my first book in the No Death for the Wicked series, is a great example of this. I understand that my readers are open minded, thought provoking, and intelligent.  So, I don’t fill my book with explanations of why a Reaper (Graham) and a young vampire (Mattie) have an instant attraction. Book two, Midnight, will bring more of this to light and book three, (Untitled) will wrap it up.

I also don’t dive into much of the backstory of Mattie or Graham because the first book is more of a discovery into who they are right now. How they handle themselves in different situations. What are their boundaries, or restrictions? What are their strengths or weaknesses?

There is so much in Daylight that can be expanded on, and that’s the fun part of a series. Why was Mattie so stuck in being young?  How did Mattie’s Mother Dearest control and use her? Why is Graham so thunderstruck with Mattie? Why can’t Mattie get enough of Graham? What’s the deal with the serum Daylight? How is the serum made? What’s the rest of the world like outside of Solace? Are there other vampires out there? How does Pandora fit into the picture going forward? Or does she? Why wasn’t Krew a truly evil bastard? Was he really meant to be the villain or just someone representing the other side?

All of these questions and much more are set into Daylight for a reason. The answers are my secrets. Secrets to be whispered to you as you read along with the rest of the series. And that’s the real trick isn’t it? In Midnight you’ll find out more about the questions above, more secrets will rise up too. The one thing you can rest assured is that I will always wrap up my books with a nice little bow at the end so that you’re not left hanging.


Midnight coming soon…

Midnight teaser 1


The end is near…

David's bike

David’s motorcycle





















Soon, very soon, I will publish my last book in the series. The Crescent Bound series, and with the amazing, incredible talent from Inkstain Interior Book Designing we shall have it (hopefully) in our hands this Halloween.  Which book you may ask? Ice Bound, the inside look from Marc’s point of view of Crescent Bound. Long awaited answers will be revealed, a new depth to Marc that some may not have known about, and where they all end up after seven years. This story was extremely difficult for me to write. During my writing process our oldest son had some major health  concerns.  We tackled the worst of the storms and I hope  everyone can understand my reasons for delaying the release of Ice Bound.

Now, for some insight into this particular story…




Naomi – the rogue witch will be part of the story but not as prominent  as she was in Crescent Bound. My intention wasn’t to fully duplicate Crescent Bound, and to truly bring you Marc’s story. Besides you’ve already read Crescent Bound and it unravels everything in it. Yes, there will be magick, the elements, and entirely new scenes in Ice Bound.









Alyssa Worthington



Ready to follow Marc and Alyssa into their witchy magical world one more time?

The Elemental Powers of Crescent Bound’s world

In the beginning, and please know this is relative, beginnings happen all the time.  In this instance I am speaking of a beginning.  One in which true magick is introduced to the world and a race of beings are born through its mating with nature.

At the time of this beginning there were four sisters, two sets of twins.  Their names have long been misplaced in time.  The sisters lived as wild and free as any ever have.  One day the sisters came across a cave, the cave lead to a hidden realm.  In the center of this realm was a grand garden and in the center of the garden was a pool of water.  Beside the pool sat an old woman with solid white hair.  She stirred the water in the pool with a white stick and chanted in a language the sisters could not understand.

“Where are we?”  the first one asked.

“Who are you?” asked the second.

“Why do you stir the pool?” asked the third, but the fourth sister remained silent.

The old woman smiled at the silent one and said, “Answer your sisters questions, because you know already about this place and why you are here.”

The silent one tells her sisters that she had dreamt of this place and also mating with the earth and that she would not be allowed to mate without the balance being met.  So, each of the sisters will have to mate with earth as well.  The sisters agreed and reached into the pool to retrieve natures mate for them.

The first opened her hand and held a white stone that crumbled and then spiraled into wind.  The second sister opened her hand to see a solid blue stone which turned into water but remained in the shape of the stone.  The third opened her hand and the red stone became fire but did not burn her.  The fourth opened her hand  to see a moss-covered stone that began glowing green.

You are no longer human sisters, you have become the keepers of nature and protectors of the gates between this realm and many others.  When you mate with another, they must be of your kind.  The world has a new race, one that will be the stewards of the garden of life in which you now stand.  Drink of the water of life and harm none in your endeavors.  Live free and love, protect the earth, protect your mate whether of nature or life.  Go now my defenders and prosper.

Since this beginning we have been among you, living, loving and protecting.

Copyright © 2014 Karli Rush

Shadow Bound – Book 4 (Prequel to the Crescent Bound Series)

Some things in life become long overdue.  In writing, I like to say the long anticipated addition to the series.  This is the last line I wrote today.  “The End”  So, you know what that means? No, it is not being published yet. Rounds of editing are due up next. Will it be out in August?  I certainly hope so. I even will go as far as to think so. Can I promise you? Nope, but we can hope and anticipate together now, because as of tomorrow it is out of my hands and into the editor’s.

This novel was quite a challenge for me on so many different levels. It pushed me to nosedive right into a medieval type world, and build my own fictitious nature to it.  I hope that everyone will enjoy it and fall in love with the world I created. I want you to relive Marcus’s past life.  I originally wrote the Crescent Bound series thinking I was writing about Alyssa and her life.  I have now learned that it may be more about Marc and his life and discoveries than I ever thought before. This novel should shed some light on that note for you.

Since I promised in blood to have this one out in July, I owe you all some blood.  I will be bleeding for you with updates right here on my blog.

Here is a little something to wet your appetite.

Shadow Bound


My inspiration for King Landalin


The Seer and Witch, Marda, that fell in love with prince Landalin in their youth


The Seer and Shadow Walker – Alissa (aka Alyssa)

*The meaning behind her name – The spelling of her name was formed from a plant called the alyssum flower, in a time they had  thought it would cure madness. *


King Marcus and Alissa

***I highly recommend reading this series in order, Demon Bound (book 3) is definitely a must before diving into this book, it will make sense of why and how this story is revealed.***

As promised I will keep updated posts on here and hopefully soon I will have  the book trailer for you!

Karli Rush – The Here and Now! An Interview with an Indie Author.

Aloha everyone.

I am amped to be back in the interview seat at Rush Bound Blog. It has been a while and I’ve missed it.  I’ll tell you this, I was boarding a plane for China, the surfing off of Hainan Island right now is too radical to miss.  But alas, I will always come to the call of the Rush.  So here I am.  A lot has been happening around here since I went on my surfing hiatus.  I see the coffee here is much improved, that is always a good sign. (Hitting the button on the Keurig coffee machine)

Let me get everyone up to speed.  My name is Lucky and I run the interview department here at Rush Bound.  I specialize in Character Interviews, mainly from Karli Rush’s Novels.  It is rare that I get to sit down with the Lady herself, but today is a Great Day!

Please give it up for Paranormal Romance  Indie Author and my boss, Karli Rush!  (Hitting the button on the  applause machine)

Karli – Thank you Lucky, you’re looking quite tan, seems the time off was good for you.  Thanks for showing up so quickly.

Lucky – Anything for you, Karli.  What I want to do in this interview is to dig into the psyche of an Indie Author and find out some details behind the books that your readers would love to know.  I’m gonna start at the beginning.  Crescent Bound – Tell me something about Alyssa that is not in print.

Karli – Alyssa is an amazing witch, friend, healer, lover, and lifemate. One thing not in print?  Hmm, let me see.  Okay, you know how Megan is always messing with Alyssa’a wardrobe.  Well Lisa and Alyssa put together this spell that every time Megan would make a reference to anything sexual, a piece of her clothing would convert into a part of a Nuns outfit, called a Habit.  Megan has vowed revenge. 

Book 1 in the Crescent Bound Trilogy<br />© by Karli Rush 2012


Lucky – That is too funny.  I can picture her face, red as fire. On to the next as they say.  The next in this case is book two, Raven Bound.  One character that stands out in this book is Evan.  Tell us something about him.

Karli – Evan is still single ladies.  Maybe Alyssa will see something about his future soon.  When and if she does, I will let you know.  Right now he is dedicated as Alyssa’s bodyguard.  That girl sure needs one too.

Book 2 in the Crescent Bound Trilogy© by Karli Rush 2012


Lucky – Now on to Demon Bound, a dark and dangerous world, and in the middle of all that, my favorite weekend distraction, Megan, has some interesting things going on too. I won’t put out a spoiler, but tell us something about Megan, and David also.

Karli – Megan, oh mischievous Megan!  Then there is David. Oh let me see. David has sworn off red-headed fire elementals for life.  He currently is trying to invent a spell to make pizza taste like the one he found down in Miami.  He has too much time on his hands.

Book 3 in the Crescent Bound Trilogy© by Karli Rush 2012


Lucky – Shadow Bound is the beginning of Alyssa and Marc, it is far in the past, can you share anything about this Novel, due out this spring?

Karli – Every story has a beginning.  Alyssa and Marc are in an ancient time, a time when they are living their full magickal potential.  A time when the world still held a rawness and love was impassioned with a wildness not seen in our modern world.  Magick was part of the time and a seer was invaluable. The prosperity or poverty of many rested in the hands of so few.  

(Coming Spring 2013)

Lucky – Ice Bound baby, this is Marc’s  point of view as we ride the wave with him and he gives us his experiences of Crescent Bound.  I hear there is a bunch of new stuff in this that gives the first Novel greater depth and appeal.  More about the leading man, if you please.

Karli – Marc is such an outstanding guy, it is so important for the readers to know him just before he meets Alyssa and that is where his story begins, the fall before his senior year of school and up through Crescent Bound.  You are right, Lucky, there are many parts in  this that fill in gaps about where Marc was during certain parts, and what he was doing.  Some good stuff coming with that book.

(Coming Fall 2013)

Lucky – Okay now, out of the blue you wrote a Novelette about Seducing a Mermaid.  I have a story to tell you about surfing off the coast of Morocco, but that will be another time.  Can you tell us something about Sam or Jewels?

Karli – I said once that I would never write a story about a Mermaid, but Jewels snuck up on me, and Sam was so deserving.  He had been through the ringer with a long time ex-girlfriend.  I also wanted to show a side of men that is not all macho and dominating.  Sam is my artist, the one who has no tendencies towards violence.  He is the lover not the fighter.  I have been asked about writing more on this one.  I will never say never, but Sam and Jewels are content at the moment, so I don’t have any current plans to do another story or expand the current one, yet.

Novelette © by Karli Rush 2012


Lucky – Now we switch gears again and delve into the future and science fiction side of your Romance writing.  You have a book coming out this year called Pine Needles.  Care to give us a taste of this delicacy?

Karli – Selene is an independent and successful small business woman, engaged to a great guy. Her future looks bright with no surprises on the horizon.  And here comes the but. But an earthquake hits the city and a strange energy veil splits it in two.  One side of the veil must deal with the after effects of the devastating earthquake. On the other side of the veil is a whole new and dangerous world.  Selene is behind the veil and Rayden is on the outside. Selene must become more than she could ever imagine just  to survive.

Book 1 in the Veil Realms Series © by Karli Rush 2012

(Coming – Summer 2013)

Lucky –  See all the activity going on around here while I was gone.  Things are popping, books are growing out of thin air and I can’t wait to get my (interview) hands on some of these characters. Even though I’ve been surfing my ass off, I haven’t been completely out of touch, I keep up with The Zon and scope out  GR, FB, and the Twit.

I’ve caught wind of a project you’re forging as we speak.  The world of Vampires, the Romance of a young woman, and an Obsession from the Underworld.  Tell me, tell me, something about Daylight!

Karli  – Oh, this story is eating me up with excitement.  Mattie, a young Vampire is being stalked by Death, literally.  Mattie enters this city called Solace and it’s ruled by ruthless vampires, so it is a good thing to have Death on your side.  Mattie’s obsessions involve two things, a serum called Daylight and Him!  Both are so close to her, yet somehow just out of reach.  Her intention is to get both, all she has to do is survive HELL in Paradise.

Upcoming Novel 2013© by Karli Rush 2012

 (Coming February 2013)

Karli, you continue to bring us Excitement, Adventure, Romance, which is all a true reader craves. 

I am giving the fans a link to the prelude to Daylight, better known as Prelude to DeathClick the link and for free you can meet Mattie and Graham.

© by Karli Rush 2012


Until next time, I’m Lucky, your host saying, Mahalo, and keep surfing the pages…


The Next Big Thing. . .

Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing

What is the working title of your book?

Demon Bound – Book Three in the Crescent Bound Trilogy

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The trilogy started out as a series of dreams and Demon Bound is simply the conclusion of the aberrant dreams. 

What genre does your book fall under?


Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Alyssa – Jessica Lowndes

Marc – Justin Hartley

Megan – Megan Fox

Zaylen – Johnathan Rhys Meyers

Evan –  Taylor Kitsch

David – Chris Evans

Dawson – Matthew Bomer

Lisa – Hillary Duff

Kelly – Alexandra krosney

Cecil – Ali Larter

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Bound to a Demon, choices and sacrifices will be made, out of the ashes who will be the one to remain standing?

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

The entire trilogy took one year to write. 

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I don’t feel comfortable saying, “If you like this book, then you will like mine.”  So, I won’t do that.  I will leave that type of comparison up to my readers and fans.  

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

A multitude of dreams, epic music, and my love for romantic dark fantasy are the motivating forces behind this book.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Well, if anyone is intrigued  with a modern day fantasy witch world, that has the company of an ancient demon, then the third installment of the Crescent Bound Trilogy, Demon Bound, will be a mystifying conclusion that should not be missed! 

1.  http://jmzunigabook.blogspot.com/

J.M Zuniga – Author of Under Ground (The Diamond Mini-Series)

2. http://lifeachangesorg.blogspot.com/

Catherine Mahoney – Author of Cry for the Children – WIP

3. http://alwaysthefuckinggoodgirl.blogspot.com/?zx=91ac0c787c791177

Shayne M – Author of The Barter System

4. http://diaryofanindieauthor.blogspot.com/

Christina Moore – Author of Chasing Shadows

5. http://www.kymgrosso.com/

Kym Grosso – Author of Kade’s Dark Embrace

Reblogging a Spotlight post about our Karli Rush!


Hey this is Lucky,

Look what I found while surfing today.  I was hanging ten in this gnarly barrel when I heard the wind call out a name…

K a r l i   R u s h

I hit the beach and started checking around and what did I find buried in the sand but a blog spotlight about our favorite author.  Not wanting this jewel to go unnoticed I am out here spreading the word.  Read away my good peeps.


Raven Bound – Character Interview with Evan


Hello to my growing fan base, how are you today.  I love all of you and keep your comments coming.  I will answer any and all questions you have.  Now before we get started today with this very special interview I just want to take a moment and thank everyone for their continued support on Amazon.  You guys rock, we are even starting a following overseas, so here is a shout out to Belgium and the Czech Republic, thanks for stopping by.

Now today we will meet the very mysterious Evan from Raven Bound.  Evan has walked a path with some of the darkest witches in the world.  He lived their lifestyle and became one of them.  I do not intend to roll out any spoilers from the book so our focus today is the Brotherhood of the Raven and how Evan slipped into their grasp.

Everyone please welcome Evan!

E – Hey.

L – So Evan when did you first hear about the Brotherhood and what was your first impression.

E- Lucky, you have to know something first, what I am about to say has been hidden from the witch world for a very long time.  There is a risk to me and you for speaking today, are you okay with that?

L- Risk?  What kind of risk?

E- The Brotherhood has maintained its power because of secrecy and it will defend it with death as its weapon.  These guys play hard and will remove anyone in their way.  I know.

L- Well I can handle it, I think. I’m pretty tight with the Worthington’s, think that will do?

E- Let’s hope so.

L- Evan, what is it that makes the Brotherhood so dangerous?

E- Our code as a witch is to harm none, the brotherhood has a code too.  Nothing comes before the Brotherhood, nothing.  Not your coven, friends, or even family.  You are Brotherhood first.  These guys are predators, always hunting for more power.

L- Why doesn’t the high council of witches do something about it?

E- Do what to who?  The ones running the Brotherhood are thought to be upstanding members of their respective covens, they are the good guys on the surface.  No one knows who they are.

L- You do.

E- I know very few and I would die a painful, torturous death if I went against them alone.

L- I just can’t believe that this is really true, some deep dark coven operating unnoticed for centuries, building power and infecting our covens this way.  It is too unbelievable.

E- When I was younger, my older brother fell in with this group.  It was never known how dangerous they were.  Just cool witches that did secret things.  We all knew there was something not exactly right with what they were doing but no one pried because they weren’t  hurting anyone, at least that was what we were lead to believe.

It was about six years ago now, Samhain was just days away and I had been trying for months to get my brother to let me hang out with him and this cool group he was with.  I was set up to meet them at a club.  I went to the club and met with a couple of the guys I knew he hung out with.  I never did see my brother again but the Brotherhood took me in.  I was told later that he died in service of the Brotherhood.  I vowed then to find out the truth about them and my brothers death.

L- Wow, man condolences on your brother, I didn’t know about that.

E- Not many people do.

L- Do you know how this all got started?

E- As it is in the Brotherhood, secrets are so important that the best information I have on its origin is pieces of rumor and hearsay.  I will tell you my theory though.  There was an Ice Elemental witch who’s name is not known.  He was a lone witch that use to roam the forest of Europe.  He was seen as being mad but would on occasion appear with predictions of the future for the humans.  These predictions would be written on pieces of bark.  He would deliver these future sights to a random human and then vanish back into the forest.

Then one day he walked out of the forest a very different witch.  He became well respected in the witch world and was one of the founding true blood witches within the Dela Dante coven.  The rumor is that he tapped into an ancient forbidden power that allowed him to tame his madness and became the well known witch that he is today.  His use of this power grew and he began including others secretly into his fold.

L- Whatever happened to him?

E- He was destroyed by the last remaining true blood witches in the Dela Dante coven, but it also cost them their lives in the process.  Very tragic.

L- You know that this talk has the hair on the back of my neck standing up, I am not sure we should go any deeper into this.

E- Yeah, I understand, you don’t want to be a hunted man like me.

L- The Brotherhood is hunting you?  Why am I the last one to know key information around here.  Hey, Honey, we need to talk about this after the broadcast *tapping on the glass of the booth*  Don’t give me that look, oh my goddess, is this still about Megan.  Honey, we will talk after the show.  Girl, you are killing me, I swear!

Sorry about that, a little technical difficulty here.  Evan, what can we do to help?

E- The Brotherhood does not play games, they take their lifestyle seriously and people get hurt around them, that is the norm.  Stay away from them at all cost.  Just being around them is putting your life at risk.  I warned you about this before we started.  They will know I have done this interview.  I suggest you call those Worthington’s you know and tell them about this quickly.

L- Evan, thanks man for showing up here, best of luck to your survival and all.  Keep in touch, but call okay?

E- Thanks Lucky, stay safe. *Shifts out of the booth*

Everyone thanks for tuning in and if you want to know more about the Brotherhood of the Raven and how Evan fits into this twisted witches tale, head over to Amazon and pick up your e-copy today.  And just to let everyone know, within the next few months, the published e-books by Karli Rush will be available in print through Amazon.  So keep an eye on Amazon for new releases and printed copies of her work.

Stay tuned here for continued character coverage and here is wishing you a good read.  I’m out.  Hey Honey  don’t look at me like that, let me explain about….

The Crescent Bound Trilogy by Karli Rush – Character Interview with Marc Dela Dante! Don’t Miss This One!

Hello Everyone, Lucky here.

I am ready to bring you award winning…well maybe one day, but definitely a ground breaking interview with none other than Marcus Dela Dante!

Before we begin let me tell you a bit about our guest today.  Marc was born into a loving witch family which very soon in his life were taken from him.  He fell into the human world mysteriously, almost as if he were being hidden.  His human parents knew nothing of his witch heritage, although Marc had hints he was different it wasn’t until he met Alyssa Worthington that his life changed.

By the way how is your Better half doing?    

First of all Lucky, I’m glad to be here and I want to thank everyone who is reading about Alyssa and I.  We are truly lucky to have such a wonderful audience, keep up the good work.

Lucky, Alyssa is doing great, we are doing great.  I am happier than any being should be, I almost feel guilty for being this happy and passionate with Alyssa, like I said though, almost.  

Did you know just the other day Alyssa and I were talking with Karli about you.  She decided that the readers need to connect with us as much as possible so you, my friend, will be posting a picture of yourself.  I am sure I will have one too, what do you think?

Marc, hows my hair look?

Good, you’re good.

Okay, gotta have the hair right after smart ass David made that comment last time.  

Now Marc, we all know your complete love and dedication to Alyssa and that your witch powers lay dormant until you were around her, but what has been the biggest challenge with being a witch so far?

The powers man, are you kidding me.  Alyssa and I have Ice element’s, which is very rare.  When I first tried using my power I froze everything, without really trying.  I would touch a drink and freeze it solid, or take a shower and have ice in the bottom of the bath.  One time I was thinking about Alyssa and froze a gas pump when I tried putting gas in my car.  I didn’t know what do to so I kind of drove off, I hadn’t actually pumped gas yet and I couldn’t think of what to say in July about a frozen gas pump.  Now, I’ve got it under control, see…(leans over and touches Lucky’s coffee mug)

Marc, damn it, hey you…(taps on glass) yeah you in the booth, get me another cup of coffee…thanks sweetheart.  Now where were we, oh yeah, Marc, I thought that maybe your biggest challenge was that horrid kiss with your ex-girlfriend Kelly.

(Laughing) Alyssa warned me about you, she thought you may go Tabloid on me, well Lucky let’s just say that some things in the past are best left in the past and that if you would like to push it your past may become your future, got it? (Wicked smile of mischief breaks across Marc’s face.)

You mean if I don’t stop asking about Kelly, you’re going to make sure I am selling beers back at the ball park?

Really, that’s what you use to do before this?  I didn’t know.  I thought you were a bartender or something like that.

I only worked at Hunkomania in New York for three weeks and I only got on stage those two times.

Alright Lucky, TMI brother, TMI.  Where the hell is Megan when you need her, she would love this.  (laughing) Hey Lucky, I see, it was skinny ass amateur night, right?

I need a drink, got any witches brew tucked away on you since you froze my other source.

Nope, Zaylen is the one to ask, I think he has a spell that will create any drink you want, very cool when throwing a party.  I saw him sweep his arm out like you would throw a frisbee and five full glasses slid down the bar stopping perfectly in front of the guys, he is your drink buddy.

Marc, you just mentioned one of, if not the number one person for me, Megan.  Tell us about your friendship with Megan.

Megan has been a silent partner in all this.  She is the one that gave me the way to contact Alyssa to begin with.  She has known all along about Alyssa and I.  She is the second best female friend I have ever had, Alyssa being number one.  I see Megan as a flirty little sister that doesn’t really mean anything by her antics.

Now switching gears a bit, how about your relationship with David, tell us about that.

(Laughing) There was a time when I wanted him encased in ice, some days I still do.  David and I are dealing with our lives as it comes.  He was pulled out of Alyssa’s life for a while and I was pulled in.  He cares for her deeply, and I respect that.  His mouth though requires a full-time censor on it.  Someone needs to walk around behind him and beep out about three-fourths of what he says.  He gets it back too.  I just wish he would go find a woman, that would make life with him much more bearable for all of us.

Marc, with you having such a rare elemental power of ice, which is epic, is that why you have a blanket in the trunk of your car.  Megan is great at pillow talk.  (Lucky laughs) 

I might have to disown my little sister after this, all I can tell you is that you want to know about the blanket or any other details about my life, you need to wait and pick up Ice Bound, it has all the dirty details in it. 

Marc, we will wrap it up with that, thanks for your time today, any final thoughts to our audience.  

Yeah Lucky, don’t forget to pick up a copy of Crescent Bound, or Raven Bound to see what is going on in our world.  Each book is unique, different, and enticing,  I am honored to be one of Karli Rush’s creations, so come join Alyssa and I, we look forward to sharing our lives with you.

Lucky, have you ever been to a witch party?  

No, I haven’t.

(Smiling wickedly)  We need to talk later, call me…later everyone.




Raven Bound Release – Book Two in the Crescent Bound Trilogy

Hello all,

Raven Bound is now available at the links below.


Raven Bound brings you deeper into the witch world of Alyssa and Marc.  A world hidden even from the Worthington Coven rears its dark magick and Alyssa is caught in a vortex of lies, deceit and deep secrets of black magick.

Her mind-twisting journey will be one that may bring her own secrets to bear.  Who can you trust?  What is the breaking point?  How far will you go to protect the ones you love?  Come join the witch world of Crescent Bound and find out.