Where I End and You Begin by Andra Brynn

I am totally fascinated with novels that reach inside me and stir up my emotions. Bringing flashes of my own past into focus again. The loves, the loss, the trials that have formed me into the being that I am.

These novels are rare, gems buried in the depths of electronic words and hidden, not intentionally, but obscured by the endless supply of predicable works that cause me to fall asleep prematurely.

Where I End and You Begin kept me up until 4 am in the morning.  I was once told that a great author always leaves a piece of their heart and soul in their novels.  I feel after finishing this book that I left a piece of my own soul scattered on the pages along with the heroine.

Where I End and You Begin

I want to rant over how many parts of this novel I highlighted and how the tears flowed openly over heart-touching moments and some that almost ripped me to shreds.  Not everyone will be able to appreciate and love this book as I do, although everyone should have the pleasure of reading this one.

Andra Brynn wrote something here that is more than a story, a ride, or an adventure.  She confessed, released, and purged into the story a distinguished and enduring creation that is timeless.

I love stories that opens your soul and then clings to your heart… this one will haunt me for years to come.

So, as a published author myself, I do not approach such a dark threshold. I have admiration for any author that does so. Andra Brynn, consider this a Standing Ovation, Bravo!!!

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